Bentonite for drilling | Organophilic Clay For Oil based Drilling

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  • 20+ Years Experiences
  • Strong R & D Team
  • ISO Certification & Patents
  • Own Raw Bentonite Ore
  • Cooperation Experience of the Top 5 Enterprises in the Industry

Bentonite for drilling

Bentonite for drilling : CP-982,CP-992,CP-150 ,They are all specialized rheological additives for oil fields.They possess the characteristics of  easy to disperse and rheological stability.The configured drilling fluid can exhibit extremely strong performance stability at temperatures below 200 ℃.

Therefore, it is very suitable for diesel engine drilling fluids, white oil based drilling fluids, synthetic oil drilling fluids, as well as water in oil drilling fluids and well protection completion fluids.

Bentonite for drilling

Bentonite for drilling

Organoclay Manufacturers

Drilling Grade Organoclay

Bentonite for drilling:Looking for a superior viscosifier and gelling agent? Our organoclay Bentonite clay providers provide an organoclay that is simple to disperse, yields quickly, and has a high performance efficiency. It is stable and possesses excellent suspension and thixotropic properties. This product is com

Drilling Grade Organophilic Clay

CP-150 Organophilic Clay

CP-150 Organophilic Clay is a self-activating organoclay that disperses easily and performs well in diesel, low aromatic mineral oil, modified vegetable oil, and synthetic base fluid formulations. 

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Bentonite for drilling
Paint Grade Organoclay

CP-MPZ organoclay

CP-MPZ organoclays is an modified bentonite that is used in solvent and resin systems ranging from non-polar to highly polar.

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Paint Grade Organoclay

CP-MPS Organoclay

The CP-MPS rheology modifier is a type of organo clay rheological additive that is used in solvent and resin systems ranging from non-polar to high polarity.

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Organoclay Supplier / Manufacturer :

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Organophilic Clay Supplier / Manufacturer :

Organoclay For Water Based Coatings

Water Based Organoclay

CP-EWS Organoclay

CP-EWS Modified bentonite It is employed in a water-borne coatings system. CP-EWS organoclay outperforms CP-EW in terms of thixotropy, transparence, and dispersion.

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Bentonite for drilling

Organoclay Supplier / Manufacturer :

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Email address: [email protected]

Whatsapp / Wechat: +86-13185071071

Organophilic Clay Supplier / Manufacturer :

Grease Grade Organoclay

Grease Grade Organoclay

CP-180 Organoclay

CP-180 organoclay is an organo clay rheological additive (modified montmorillonite) designed specifically for use in solvent-based systems

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Grease Grade Organoclay

CP-34 Organoclay

CP-34 organoclay is a  modified bentonite that has been specifically designed for use in solvent-based systems.

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Grease Grade Organoclay


CP-EDS modified bentonite is a kind of organo clay rheological additive. It is used in systems of medium polarity and high polarity system.

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I. Composition : Bentonite for drilling

Organo clay Bentonite is a modified bentonite clay. It’s formed by the weathering and deposition of silicate minerals (such as feldspar) in magmatic rocks or metamorphic rocks, and its composition is

1, clay minerals: montmorillonite, kaolinite, illite and seafoam, the main clay minerals of bentonite for drilling are montmorillonite, the content is more than 70%.

2, sand: gypsum, quartz, feldspar, mica, iron oxide, etc. The smaller the content, the better.

3, staining matter: wood chips, leaves and decaying matter play a staining role, bentonite has red, yellow, purple and other different colors, that is the reason.

4, soluble salts: carbonates, sulfates and chlorides, etc.

Second, classification

Bentonite is divided into calcium-based bentonite sodium-based bentonite and modified bentonite three.

1, calcium-based bentonite: slurry rate of 8-12 cubic meters per ton.

2, sodium-based bentonite: slurry rate of 15-18 cubic meters per ton.

3, modified bentonite: by adding soda ash, caustic soda, carboxymethyl cellulose, low molecular weight polyacrylamide and other inorganic salts and organic dispersants to improve the slurry rate of bentonite, to achieve sodium-based bentonite performance indicators.
At present, the modified bentonite we provide can be used for different base oils in oilfield drilling. Whether your base oil is diesel mineral oil or synthetic oil, we have corresponding modified bentonite, which can be used in your formula to achieve its suspension performance efficiently.

Third, the role and use

1, plugging: loess layer leakage, bedrock fracture leakage are needed to match the slurry plugging.

2, wall protection: the formation of mud cake on the well wall, to reduce the penetration of water in the drilling fluid to the well wall, play a role in protecting the stability of the well wall.

3、Carry sand: prepare a certain amount of high specific gravity viscosity bentonite mud into the well periodically, the well will fall block, rock chips smoothly carried out of the well, keep the well clean.

4, with collapse mud: well wall collapse after a long period of immersion, conventional mud still can not maintain the well wall, we must add bentonite to improve the specific gravity, cutting force, viscosity to achieve the purpose of stabilizing the well wall.

5, with weighted mud: when encountering water or high-pressure oil and gas layer, are required to add bentonite in the mud to balance the formation pressure.

6, with completion fluid and closure slurry: for the smooth logging, completion of drilling with completion fluid; in the collapse-prone section of the well with closure slurry, these are required to add bentonite.

Fourth, the factors affecting the performance of bentonite

1, the quality of the original ore: the original ore montmorillonite content is the most important factor affecting the performance of bentonite, the higher the montmorillonite content, bentonite slurry rate is correspondingly high.

2, particle size: the finer the particle size, the higher the slurry rate, and vice versa.

3, additives: the reasonable addition of dispersants, will significantly improve the performance of bentonite.

4, water quality: bentonite in high mineralization and acidic water slurry rate will be significantly reduced or even no slurry.

V. Simple test

1, the slurry rate: 1 ton of bentonite to prepare the volume of the slurry with a colloid rate of 95% or more. Such as slurry rate of 15 cubic meters per ton, is in 100 grams of water with 6.67 grams of bentonite stirred for 30 minutes and poured into a test tube (100 ml), 24 hours colloid rate of 95% or more.

2, funnel viscosity: the viscosity is measured with a marsupial funnel, generally not less than 28 seconds.

3, water loss: use ANS air pressure water loss meter to measure the water loss. Generally not more than


4, sand content: add 100g bentonite to 1000g water and stir for 30 minutes, then add 1000g water and stir for 30 minutes and rest for 30 minutes. The sediment above the mud all poured out, and then washed twice with water, the last sand drying, weighing its weight, that is, the bentonite sand content, sand content of less than 5% for qualified products.